A ticketing experience built for Zoos & Visitor Attractions

Empower your users to self-serve with advanced ticketing options, memberships, sponsorships and class booking designed with Zoos, Aquariums and Science Centres in mind.

Digital experiences to empower curiosity and discovery

  • Outlined icon of a person

    Complex memberships

    Buying memberships can get complicated quickly, especially when organisations offer a variety of configurations and add-ons — which is why our approach is to separate out each step, allowing users to focus on answering each question one by one. Where relevant, icons and descriptions are used to provide visual cues and context, reducing cognitive load and aiding in the decision-making process.

  • Outlined icon of a shopping bag

    Merch upsells

    In Skyway, you can connect pretty much anything to everything. That means that any merchandise you’d like to upsell to users can be connected to parameters like a user’s basket content or the time of year. This ensures that upsells are timely and relevant to the user, rather than being perceived as an advertisement.

  • Outlined icon of a list

    Improve your educational offerings and child safety

    We know that there is a special onus on organisations offering activities for children to ensure their safety. Using Skyway, you’re able to capture any information you may need — including emergency contacts, allergies, disabilities and more. Not only does this make accessing this information much easier for your staff, but also serves to reassure parents and guardians that their children will be well-taken care of.

  • Filled icon of a megaphone

    Animal sponsorships and other fundraising campaigns

    Your website sells more than just tickets and Skyway is more than a ticketing platform! We know that there is a variety of ways organisations seek to raise funds, and we’re happy to ensure Skyway can support you in these endeavours as best as possible. Previously, we’ve built functionality for campaigns like Name a Seat, Animal Sponsorships and more!

Holding a phone displaying a member barcode
Case Study

Zoological Society of Milwaukee

The Zoological Society of Milwaukee supports Milwaukee County Zoo by selling memberships and animal sponsorships, while also educating the community through an extensive educational offering.

Screenshot of ZSM's account area

Zoo Society of Milwaukee’s challenges and how Skyway solves them

Screenshot of ZSM's Zoo Pass setup

127 possible configurations for Milwaukee’s Zoo Pass membership

Rather than having to compare all possible Zoo Pass configurations, Skyway is instead asking users a series of questions to gather their requirements around a number of adults, children, guests, parking etc.

Then, only the three most relevant Zoo Passes are shown to users, together with a flag which denotes the most suitable Zoo Pass. This way, rather than having to compare long lists of benefits, users can be sure that they are purchasing a membership that will match their needs precisely.

Screenshot of multi-day events at ZSM

Parents booking many educational classes for their children at once

ZSM offers their popular educational classes on different topics for a variety of age groups — all of which sell out quickly due to high demand.

Using Skyway, users are able to create their household in advance, entering the names and ages of their children. When booking classes, users are able to view which classes are suitable for their children and are able to create a schedule of programmes to their liking.

Screenshot of ZSM's tax calculator

Confusion around tax benefits holding back potential donors

Skyway includes a calculator which shows users how much of their donation or membership is tax-deductible — encouraging users to increase their contributions above the suggested amounts by providing them with a quick and intuitive method to check tax deductibility.

“We have a lot of distinct challenges that don’t allow cookie cutter technology. The After Digital team has been great at helping us understand ways we can use Tessitura’s existing functionality in creative ways to keep our business friendly to our customers.”

Tim Nees, IT Manager

Zoological Society of Milwaukee